Taiwan: A semiconductor powerhouse.

3 min readAug 28, 2022

As of 2022, Taiwan manufactures 92% of the advance semiconductors, globally. This is an absolute dominance.

Photo by Timo Volz on Unsplash

The current market cap of the semiconductor industry is over $600bln. Smartphone industry is at top with $200bln to use a semiconductor followed by the data server and storage, $180bln.

Semiconductor aka Chips is a substance that defines the function and properties of an electronic devices. Almost anything electronic does have a semiconductor in it.

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

A semiconductor with 5 nanometers transistor is considered advance. 5nm is the smallest size that can only be produced using the state-of-the-art technology. Semiconductors using 5nm transistor are used in devices like data server and storage systems, 5th generation fighter jets, modern telecommunications, supercomputers, modern warfare electronics and so on.

Photo by Lawrence Hookham on Unsplash

China including many other countries doesn’t possess the technology to manufacture the device and process that can produce the 5nm transistor. As a result, they have…

