Average Income and Highest Paying Jobs in Each US State

6 min readSep 1, 2024


Understanding income levels and employment opportunities is crucial for assessing economic well-being and career prospects across the United States. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the average income and highest-paying jobs in each state, factoring in state-specific inflation rates to give a clearer picture of economic conditions.

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For this article the data has been compiled from various sources, including the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, state labor departments, and economic reports.

Average Income and Highest Paying Jobs by State


  • Average Income: $53,600
  • Inflation Rate: 3.1%
  • Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Alabama earn an average of $382,000 annually, significantly higher than other professions.


  • Average Income: $67,200
  • Inflation Rate: 2.5%
  • Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Alaska have an average salary of $368,000.


  • Average Income: $59,800
  • Inflation Rate: 2.9%
  • Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Arizona make approximately $340,000 per year.


  • Average Income: $50,400
  • Inflation Rate: 3.0%
  • Highest Paying Job: Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists in Arkansas earn around $322,000 annually.


  • Average Income: $80,200
  • Inflation Rate: 4.0%
  • Highest Paying Job: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

CEOs in California can earn upwards of $550,000.


  • Average Income: $65,500
  • Inflation Rate: 3.2%
  • Highest Paying Job: Petroleum Engineer

Petroleum Engineers in Colorado make about $310,000 annually.


  • Average Income: $78,000
  • Inflation Rate: 3.5%
  • Highest Paying Job: Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers in Connecticut earn around $420,000 per year.


  • Average Income: $64,700
  • Inflation Rate: 2.8%
  • Highest Paying Job: Judge

Judges in Delaware have an average salary of $295,000.


  • Average Income: $58,900
  • Inflation Rate: 2.7%
  • Highest Paying Job: Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Obstetricians/Gynecologists in Florida earn approximately $340,000 annually.


  • Average Income: $56,800
  • Inflation Rate: 3.0%
  • Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Georgia have an average salary of $375,000.


  • Average Income: $72,000
  • Inflation Rate: 3.3%
  • Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Hawaii make about $358,000 annually.


· Average Income: $53,300

· Inflation Rate: 2.6%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Idaho earn around $325,000 per year.


· Average Income: $62,500

· Inflation Rate: 3.4%

· Highest Paying Job: Cardiologist

Cardiologists in Illinois make approximately $345,000 annually.


· Average Income: $54,600

· Inflation Rate: 2.8%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Indiana earn about $330,000.


· Average Income: $52,400

· Inflation Rate: 2.9%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Iowa have an average salary of $340,000.


· Average Income: $55,900

· Inflation Rate: 3.0%

· Highest Paying Job: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

CEOs in Kansas earn approximately $315,000 annually.


· Average Income: $50,000

· Inflation Rate: 3.2%

· Highest Paying Job: Psychiatrist

Psychiatrists in Kentucky earn around $315,000 per year.


· Average Income: $54,200

· Inflation Rate: 3.1%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Louisiana have an average salary of $325,000.


· Average Income: $56,700

· Inflation Rate: 2.7%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Maine earn around $335,000 annually.


· Average Income: $78,500

· Inflation Rate: 3.6%

· Highest Paying Job: Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers in Maryland make approximately $425,000 per year.


· Average Income: $82,000

· Inflation Rate: 3.5%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Massachusetts earn about $355,000 annually.


· Average Income: $59,200

· Inflation Rate: 3.3%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Michigan make around $330,000 per year.


· Average Income: $62,800

· Inflation Rate: 2.9%

· Highest Paying Job: Cardiologist

Cardiologists in Minnesota earn approximately $340,000 annually.


· Average Income: $49,800

· Inflation Rate: 3.2%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Mississippi earn about $320,000 per year.


· Average Income: $55,100

· Inflation Rate: 3.1%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Missouri make around $325,000 annually.


· Average Income: $52,600

· Inflation Rate: 2.7%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Montana earn about $310,000 per year.


· Average Income: $54,500

· Inflation Rate: 2.9%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Nebraska have an average salary of $325,000.


· Average Income: $60,400

· Inflation Rate: 3.3%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Nevada earn approximately $335,000 annually.

New Hampshire

· Average Income: $67,800

· Inflation Rate: 2.8%

· Highest Paying Job: Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers in New Hampshire make around $415,000 per year.

New Jersey

· Average Income: $82,500

· Inflation Rate: 3.4%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in New Jersey earn about $365,000 annually.

New Mexico

· Average Income: $54,700

· Inflation Rate: 2.9%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in New Mexico make approximately $325,000 per year.

New York

· Average Income: $88,000

· Inflation Rate: 3.7%

· Highest Paying Job: Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers in New York can earn up to $500,000 annually.

North Carolina

· Average Income: $56,300

· Inflation Rate: 2.9%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in North Carolina earn around $330,000 per year.

North Dakota

· Average Income: $55,500

· Inflation Rate: 2.6%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in North Dakota earn approximately $310,000 annually.


· Average Income: $57,400

· Inflation Rate: 3.0%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Ohio make about $340,000 per year.


· Average Income: $52,000

· Inflation Rate: 3.1%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Oklahoma earn approximately $320,000 annually.


· Average Income: $62,600

· Inflation Rate: 3.2%

· Highest Paying Job: Cardiologist

Cardiologists in Oregon make about $335,000 per year.


· Average Income: $63,500

· Inflation Rate: 3.5%

· Highest Paying Job: Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers in Pennsylvania earn around $400,000 annually.

Rhode Island

· Average Income: $64,100

· Inflation Rate: 3.3%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Rhode Island earn approximately $330,000 per year.

South Carolina

· Average Income: $55,700

· Inflation Rate: 2.8%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in South Carolina make about $340,000 annually.

South Dakota

· Average Income: $50,800

· Inflation Rate: 2.7%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in South Dakota earn approximately $310,000 per year.


· Average Income: $55,300

· Inflation Rate: 3.0%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Tennessee earn around $325,000 annually.


· Average Income: $61,200

· Inflation Rate: 3.4%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in Texas earn approximately $340,000 per year.


· Average Income: $59,000

· Inflation Rate: 2.8%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Utah make about $320,000 annually.


· Average Income: $64,500

· Inflation Rate: 2.7%

· Highest Paying Job: Corporate Lawyer

Corporate lawyers in Vermont earn around $375,000 per year.


· Average Income: $62,000

· Inflation Rate: 3.0%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Virginia earn approximately $335,000 annually.


· Average Income: $70,800

· Inflation Rate: 3.3%

· Highest Paying Job: Orthodontist

Orthodontists in Washington make around $350,000 per year.

West Virginia

· Average Income: $49,200

· Inflation Rate: 3.2%

· Highest Paying Job: Surgeon

Surgeons in West Virginia earn about $320,000 annually.


· Average Income: $59,500

· Inflation Rate: 2.9%

· Highest Paying Job: Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiologists in Wisconsin make around $330,000 per year.


· Average Income: $54,400

· Inflation Rate: 2.6%

· Highest Paying Job: Petroleum Engineer

Petroleum Engineers in Wyoming earn approximately $310,000 annually.

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By navigating the average income and highest-paying jobs in each state, we can better understand regional economic disparities and identify productive career paths. While some states offer higher average incomes and top-paying jobs, the cost of living and inflation rates play a crucial role in determining the real value of these earnings. For those seeking career growth, this information can serve as a guide to navigating job markets and making informed decisions about relocation or career changes.

